Selasa, 28 Agustus 2012


Have you ever feel hopeless? Like there's no way to reach what you want? Well, i'm now in that situation.
I don't know what to do, or start from what even though i did something, it's not as I expected. I feel a bit tired but I know and believe that there's always another way. Yes, there's always another way!

Memang gak semudah itu kan mencapai tujuan? Menjadi apa yang kita mau memang gak segampang menjentikkan jari, we have to fight, work hard and always get up when we've been beaten. If we found a dead end then turn around and find another way.

Allah bukan hanya memberikan kita satu jalan untuk mencapai tujuan kita, banyak jalan yang sudah tersedia. tugas kita hanyalah memilih jalan mana yang tercepat yang akan membawa kita pada tujuan tersebut. Tercepat dan terbaik. Ya, Banyak Jalan Menuju Roma.

So, think positive, stay positive and do positive! May tomorrow better than today. Goodnight!

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