Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012


photographer : Risty Kartika Febrianty


This is my sister when she was pregnant. She has given birth two weeks ago and now i become an aunt :D
We are all exciting for the birth of her son because this is the first child, first grandchild and first nephew.

Welcome to the world baby Hael Najdat Altamis Laksono.

pictures taken by me

Selasa, 16 Oktober 2012


Hi everyone! Sorry for the very late post. This is my Peplum Dress look. Enjoy hehehe...

This is the detail of my peplum dress.

shoes : Payless

I was so satisfied with my first Peplum Dress project. Thanks for reading, see ya!

Kamis, 11 Oktober 2012


This is the inside of the box

The Sugar Sticks

This is why i love this sugar box, it's so colorful, very cute packaging and yes! it's a Paris special edition.
doesn't it cute?


As I promised, i'll post the look of my Green Top Sewing Project. And here you go...

self made bangles

First, I didn't planed to make sleeves like this but because I don't have enough fabric, so I made it this way. But I like the result, it looks good for me. By the way, I also made the skirt. And I use the left over fabric for the turban. How do I look?
shoes : TRIRA 


Have you guys watch this movie? It become box office in US. Kalo Taken yang pertama menceritakan tentang seorang Ayah (Liam Neeson) menyelamatkan anaknya. Kalo Taken 2 ini menceritakan si Ayah (Liam Neeson) menyelamatkan mantan istrinya saat mereka lagi liburan di Istanbul.
Hubungannya dengan yang pertama adalah pembalasan dendam dari keluarga para penculik di Taken pertama. Disini keluarga Si Penculik mau balas dendam ke Liam Neeson karena anak cucu mereka udah dibunuh.
Sayangnya secara gak langsung film ini menjelekkan Islam, karena diceritakan orang Islam disini penjahat dan mafia. Tapi yaa semoga gak ada maksud-maksud tertentu yaa.

Rabu, 03 Oktober 2012


Did you know that October 2nd is Hari Batik Nasional. I personally just knew it :p. By the way i was just visited Pameran Batik today at Trans Studio Mall and here are some pictures.

these are my favourites

and they are from Bogor which is my hometown

See, there's a lot of batik! Dan semuanya punya corak yang beda-beda dari tiap daerah. Pameran ini cuman khusus untuk Batik Jawa Barat aja. Kalo mau liat batik dari daerah-daerah lain lagi, itu masih banyaaakkk banget dan semuanya bagus-bagus! Bangga kan punya batik!

photo taken by me and V