I was attending the Muslimah Fest last saturday at Sabuga. I was there to attend pengajian akbar by Hijabers Community Bandung (sebenernya ini buat kepentingan skripsi). The speaker is Abu Marlo, if I'm not mistaken he's one of the magician in Indonesia. I was surprised when I knew that the spoke person is a Magician. It was like, pengajian tapi yang ceramah pesulap? Then I knew that, it wasn't a tausyiah or ceramah but it was a talkshow to review his book. And it was a good talkshow, it discussed about entrepreneurship.
during the talkshow |
After joined the talkshow, I went around the bazaar that held in there. It was lots of fashion Muslim local brands. It was too crowded so I couldn't take many pictures, but I spotted the Ria Miranda booth
I love the decoration |
Outside the bazaar, I met with Hanna Faridl and Anneke Scorpy from Casa Elana. They came not as Casa Elana's owner but as Laiqa team. Laiqa is a new fashion magazine. I asked to take photos with them and surprisingly they asked to take pictures of me too :D, they'd like to take pictures of my outfit.
Anneke Scorpy and her daughter Kinan, Me and Hanna Faridl. |
I love Hana Faridl style, effortlessly chic
And this what I wore,
tailored Jeans Shirt, tailored Batik Pants, triracrochet Shoes |
I planned to do some photo shoot at Jembatan Baksil, but unfortunately it was being repaired.
Btw, I'm doing my skripsi, so I don't have any spare times to post in my blog :(
Hope I'll finish this skripsi soon. And for those of you who are working on skrpisi to, good luck! :D